
Hi! My name is Kelsey Anne Young, and I wrote The Shackles of Constantine.

As a side note: I also love to write poetry, reviews, and short stories although I reserve most of my creativity for The Constantine Series. Most recently, I have emerged from  the long, but ultimately rewarding task of publishing my debut novel, The Shackles of Constantine. For anyone who is bravely starting the process or still trudging through it, feel free to send any questions my way!

Among my passions (namely writing, but also cycling, hiking, and painting—even though I’m terrible at it) is travel. My love of travel has taken me to Australia, England, China, Spain, and for the last three years, Boston, MA. For anyone who has read the novel, it may or may not come as a surprise, that a lot of the ideas that drive the book, stem from my experience of traveling between countries. I have always felt that somewhere between one culture and the next there’s a certain kind of magical place that hangs in between. It is in this space that I have set the tale of The Shackles of Constantine.

I hope my journey in this process of publishing my first book inspires other young authors to pick up a pen and pursue their own writing careers…or if not, I hope it at least offers an entertaining read!

Yours truly,

Kelsey Anne Young